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As a trainer, how do I create a private group in eCademy?
As a trainer, how do I create a private group in eCademy?

Private group function in eCademy

Carsten Rhinow avatar
Written by Carsten Rhinow
Updated over a week ago

What is the private group function?

The private group function in eCademy makes it easier for you to work with your trainees. With the private group function, you can group your trainees in a way that makes the most sense from a procedural and didactic point of view. Among other things, the function is used for internal differentiation and can support your didactic methodology.

At the start of your work with eCademy, no private groups are created in advance in eCademy. You alone decide how you want to group your trainees. You can always create new and different groups later, depending on your didactic plan.

Examples of groupings:

  • You can create a group with trainees who have similar training challenges and whom you want to provide with specific learning material.

  • You can create groups based on how your trainees learn together during their training: e.g. a group for the first year of training, one for the second year, etc.

  • You can control various didactic methods with the group function. For example, you can create a group puzzle using the group function.

These are just a few examples. You can create groups freely and creatively.

Note: The private group function is independent of the groupings that you may have had to enter once when registering with eCademy.

How do I use the group function?

Click on "Private groups" at the top right of the eCademy homepage.

Click on "New private group" on the right.

Give the group a name and click on "Create private group".

Your private group has now been created. Click on the group to add trainees.

You can add a note to the trainees - e.g. "Please work through until xx.xx.2020".

Now click on "+" to add trainees to the group.

Scrollen Sie nun durch Ihre Azubi-Liste oder suchen Sie nach Namen in der Suchleiste und klicken auf "Hinzufügen", um die entsprechenden Azubis zur Gruppe hinzuzufügen.

Anschließend können Sie z. B. Lernlisten anlegen und dort die Teilnehmer-Gruppe, die Sie gerade erstellt haben, hinzufügen. Wie Sie eine Lernliste anlegen, erfahren Sie hier:

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